Cozy shop display with wooden shelves adorned with bottles, jars, crystals, and small art pieces. Natural dried floral wreath and artwork on the wall. Sunlight creates a warm, inviting atmosphere.

the journal

seasonal musings from city, studio & garden

Hand holding a glass teapot with herbal tea, next to a teacup on a marble surface.

Briar Briar

spring in the garden

It is such a joy to see our little collection of native spring ephemerals return each year, sprightlier and more established in their places than the year before. The habitat we've created here in the heart of New York City truly feels like a tiny sylvan paradise.

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Briar Briar

seed sourcing

Perhaps you've been dreaming of the gardening season ahead, too? In the last week or so, I've been sorting through seeds left over from last year and seeds collected from our native plant collection at 6&B in the autumn…

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Briar Briar

distilling at Oko Farms

Last week we went to Oko Farms in Brooklyn, where M. is doing an aquaponics apprenticeship, to set up our little copper still for a distillation in the outdoors.

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Briar Briar

where summer and autumn meet

This is one of my favorite moments in the year in the world of Northeast native plants, and I never let it pass without a trip to one of the native plant gardens near us…

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Briar Briar

the native plant garden at NYBG in late summer

It's a pleasure to visit the native plant garden at NYBG in any season, but I am especially fond of the garden in the late summer, when everything has reached a state of beautifully overgrown intensity that overwhelms the senses.

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Briar Briar


We happily spent a few hours beneath the cherry blossoms this week. The garden is just bursting with life and many of the spring ephemerals are in their fleeting, gorgeous prime.

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Briar Briar


More snow on the way tonight. Serious hibernation feelings happening around here these days. I'm trying a slightly different heating configuration at the studio this winter, with mixed success.

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Briar Briar

notes from last night

For me, the two sides of autumn will always feel a bit at odds. We're torn between the energy of shorter days that ask us to slow down, to gather and rest, and the intense uptick of activity in advance of the holidays.

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Briar Briar

spring things

Spring is taking its sweet time here in the Northeast this year. Even on the cusp of May, I'm hunkered down in my studio with my Icelandic sweater and a cup of hot tea, though I know we'll be longing for cooler days again soon enough.

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Briar Briar

just before spring

I've been reveling in pre-spring rituals these last few weeks, both at home and at the studio. A lovely visit to the Orchid Show and the Enid A. Haupt Conservatory at NYBG is always on our list at this time of year.

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Briar Briar

the garden in winter

Greetings for the New Year! We've been enjoying a very wintry few weeks here, and I've finally been able to spend some time cozying up and recovering from a very bustling holiday season. I've been reflecting with much gratitude on 2013 and looking forward to what the year ahead will bring.

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a glimpse into our world

A hand against a textured white wall with pink flowers held between the fingers.

more of my photos

Bright room with large window, indoor plants on shelves and ledge, various bottles on wooden shelves.

studio soundtracks

Book titled 'Nose Dive: A Field Guide to the World's Smells' by Harold McGee on a patterned surface, next to green plants.

my reading lists

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