the first bits of green

I can hardly remember a rainier, windier March. It’s been the perfect month to release a fresh batch of the rains, a botanical perfume based on mitti attar, a co-distillation of earthen clay and sandalwood that evokes the scent of rain on earth. Not quite the scent of cold rain on New York City pavement, that isn’t something I’ve ever quite been able to mimic, but this botanical perfume was always meant to transport just a bit beyond the scent of here and now, with its comforting cardamom spice notes and a touch of ancient fossilized amber. Sourcing has been a challenge with this scent over the last few years, but I’m relieved to have finally found a distiller I love in Kannauj, India and I’ve begun to purchase mitti attar directly from them in an effort to support the artistry of this very old process and to ensure that I can offer this perfume consistently going forward. You can learn a bit more about the attar making process via this piece. I hope you’ll try this latest edition of the rains, it’s available in both perfume serum and extrait formats and it’s the perfect scent to curl up with while a storm swirls past outside the windows.

I’ve also put together a curated selection of my spring favorites for you in the shop this month. It’s the perfect moment to refresh our routines and rituals as we prepare for the warmer days of the season ahead. I tend to lean toward the balancing brilliance of rose geranium, and the calming cooling influences of chamomile and rose as the days grow longer. You’ll find the spring edit here.



this piece about the traditional attar making process

relatedly, this book is on my wish list

Robin Wall Kimmerer’s garden planning guide

leaving the leaves

an underwater procession


to the secret songs of ponds (a little background, here)

a favorite vintage recording of Águas de Março with Elis Regina & Tom Jobim

our spring studio playlist, of course

and to lots of ancient music (fun fact: I used to play the viol de gamba!), especially this album at the moment


above, clockwise from top left:

{ the second round of forced paperwhites at the studio in full bloom }

{ a very welcome sunny moment in between storms }

{ lots of nourishing garden compost and fish + seaweed emulsion has resulted in a profusion of blooms on my jasmine vine this year. truly a gift to have their scent wafting through the studio all month long }

{ fresh scents for a new season, sending out lots of botanical perfume samples! }

above, clockwise from top left:

{ this gorgeous little vintage piece decorated with peach blossoms on the way to a new home filled with botanical perfume balm, just the thing for early spring }

{ delighted to introduce more compostable packet options and updated pricing on two of our facial care essentials, our rose & chamomile cleansing grains and our jasmine green tea masque, go take a peek! }

{ lighting your way through a stormy month with plenty of gorgeous hand-poured beeswax candles }

{ a few sweet pieces from our current vintage collection }

As tiny green shoots pop up in the garden after the rain, I’ve been shifting my own tea rituals toward the verdant, too. Our green glow elixir perfectly bridges the gap, just as marvelous steeped hot as it is cold-brewed on warmer days. And I also love our jasmine and tulsi green tea for these in between days, it pairs especially well with a jasmine vine in full bloom on the windowsill!

You’ve all be so kind in your support of our soap + solidarity initiative. I’m honored to be able to send all of the revenues from your purchases to mutual aid funds going directly to people in need on the ground in Gaza. Thank you for doing this with me!

And last but not least, don’t miss our limited edition rose & bergamot bathing salts, I’ve just made a very small batch and they are going quickly. I completely fell for this combination while blending up something for my tub at home and I just could not resist sharing it with you!

Until next time…

pink peach blossoms on a branch against a bright blue sky
white snowdrop flowers on green stems mingle with freshly fallen snow
against a grey and white building with windows, a tree full of pink blossoms in New York City's Greenwich Village

more spring things


in april


rituals for february